If you want to add visual interest and a splash of color to your home, window box designs filled with different combinations of plants will be a great idea. The essential attractiveness of boxes is cute gardens in miniature. In this post, you can check out 25 cute and creative boxes. They will add living personality to your sweet home. You will enjoy the beauty and serenity of a garden without spending much money, time and energy.
Cute Indoor Box for Girls

Wood Shim Window Box Planter

DIY Wooden Flower Boxes

Hanging Boiler Box

Tea Tin Boxes

Window Box Planter with Chalkboard Labels

Free Standing Box For When You Can’t Attach One To The House

DIY Dresser Drawer Boxes Design
Metal Box with White Flowers in Terracotta Pots

White-washed Box from a Crate
Potting Shed Box with Watering Cans, Bird House and Snowball Viburnum

Box Desgin Alternative Pots on a Shelf
Box Decoration for July 4th
Gorgeous Box Design

Box Plants For Shady Spots

Lovely Box
Window Box Planters

DIY Easy Flower Boxes Design
Box Design with Real Copper Liner