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Decoration For An 80 Meter Squared House

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First The Walls

When a house is being decorated, whatever size the house is, it is important to deal with the walls first. What color are the walls going to be or is wallpaper going to be used instead of coloring. Even wall stickers can be used for the wall. If the wall is going to be plain, it can be decorated with framed pictures or candlesticks that can go on the walls like a torch.

Think About The Floor

When the decorating is thought step by step, it is easier to decorate the house. After the walls, the next area to decorate would be the floors. To be honest there are only one or two ways to decorate the floor unless a lot of money can be used to make suspended floors. Suspended floors are when there is a scenery under the floor and the scenery is covered with a glass case. It will seem as though the salon is on top of the scenery. If less money is going to be used, the floor can be decorated with either carpets or wall to wall carpets.

After The Floor Comes The Ceiling

Depending on how much money can be spent, different decorations can be done to the ceiling. Suspended ceilings can be designed. Decorations can be hung down from the ceiling or the ceiling can just be painted with plain colors, although be careful with the color that is used for the ceilings. The ceiling is the second important part of the house because it can always be seen.

Now Think of The Small Decorations

Decorating the house does not finish with just the walls, ceiling, and floor. Other decorations are needed to color the house. This does not mean to color everywhere in different colors. This means more or less to put small decorative touches to the house. Use small decorations that will make the house look nice and cozy. Some things that will make people feel like going into the house.

Have Fun Decorating Your House

Everyone should have fun when they are decorating their houses. Many people, especially women buy decorations for their home, every time they go out. Of course, you don’t have to buy decorations every time you go out, but different kinds of decorations can be bought once a month or at least once a year.

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Stone Wall Decoration for Living Room

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