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The Puzzle is a solar-powered vehicle. HW Electro exhibited this minivan at the Japan Mobility Show 2023. Learn more about this vehicle!

HW Electro Exhibited Its Revolutionary Design: The Puzzle

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HW Electro is a Japanese electric vehicle manufacturing company founded in 2019. Even though the company was founded last year, it set the world on fire with successful projects. The most recent and successful project of the company is Puzzle.

The Puzzle is a solar-powered vehicle. HW Electro exhibited this minivan at the Japan Mobility Show 2023. Competitors, other exhibitors, visitors, and those who heard about the minivan were excited about the properties of this fantastic vehicle. The Puzzle has a revolutionary design and sustainable features that make the vehicle unique. The special properties of this vehicle are:


The Puzzle is a solar-powered vehicle. HW Electro exhibited this minivan at the Japan Mobility Show 2023. Learn more about this vehicle!

Desginer: HW Electro


Easy Customization:

You will not believe how easy it is to switch things up with the Puzzle minivan.  You can completely customize your vehicle by swapping out windows, doors, and panels, hassle-free.


eco-friendly minivan


Smart Design for More Space:

Let us picture this: a minivan designed to make the most of every inch. That cubic cargo van design? Pure genius. This solar-powered eco-minivan is perfect for fitting in your quirky furniture without any Tetris-level struggles.

Modular Convenience:

Ever wished your car could adapt as easily as your smartphone? Well, the Puzzle minivan’s got your back. You can add or remove stuff effortlessly with those smartly placed uniform panels. It is like car Lego for grown-ups.

EV designed by HW Electro

Power on the Go:

This isn’t just a minivan; it’s a power station on wheels. Thanks to its hefty batteries, you can charge up whatever you need. Imagine turning your minivan into the ultimate tailgate party host—that is the dream, right?

User-Friendly Features:

No more wrestling with doors. These bad boys swing every which way for your convenience. And inside? Plushy board magic. Hang shelves, hangers—you name it. It’s like the minivan is reading your mind.


solar panel on the Puzzle

Sustainable and Cost-Effective:

Who says being eco-friendly can’t be cost-effective? HW ELECTRO is flipping the script. Less waste leads to more productivity. And those savings? They’re investing that in making your minivan smarter. It’s like the Robin Hood of cars—taking from hardware and giving to software.


inside of a minivan


Modern Aesthetics:

Slanted front windows—it’s like the minivan decided to go to a fancy art school. Not only does it look cool, but it also makes your driveway more chill. A broader view, a touch of modernity—it’s like driving in the future.


windows of the van designed by HW Electro


Solar Eco-Minivan for Emergencies:

Emergencies? HW Electro thought of that too. They have a solar eco-minivan that’s both a lifesaver and a style icon. It’s like Batman but for your daily commute.

inside of a van without furniture


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